Music is a language, but unlike to French or Portuguese, music does not need to be understood in order to feel it. It goes straight into our hearts. This is why all children love music; they all understand it! Merely listening to music lights up multiple areas of our brain as we process its different components like rhythm or melody. However, neuroscientists have shown that playing it sets off fireworks in our brain as nearly every corner of it is activated! For more information on the amazing benefits of playing music, check this out.
Stories allow children a peek into other realities. It helps them envision themselves in different circumstances and learn from these. Our storytime classes aim to strengthen our children’s pre-literacy skills through our four elements of language development: reading, singing, talking and playing. Each week, we will explore a new letter, with its new sounds and an array of fun books that revolve around this letter.
Not only does it do wonders to strengthen children’s motor skills, but art is magical because it shows children a space with no limits. There is no right and wrong when it comes to art. Through the manipulation of materials, colors and textures, our classes teach children that, with diligent work, new things can be created from nothing. We ask that our art students are able to walk since it is a prerequisite for being able to function in the class (art classes coming soon!)